The Akabane Farm is a location in Japan featured in the anime/manga series, Beyblade Burst Turbo, Beyblade Burst Surge, and Beyblade Burst QuadStrike. It is the home of Aiger Akabane and his family.
Notable Landmarks[]
- Akabane house:
- Animal barn:
- Work shed:
- Achilles statue: Taiga made this statue when Aiger was born. Aiger used the sword and shield from the statue to make his Z Achilles. It was later revealed in Beyblade Burst Surge that the statue got a new sword and shield.
- Wonder Valtryek, Z Achilles, Turbo Valtryek, Turbo Achilles, and Destined Belfyre were created here. Kit Lopez also created the Expand Frame for his Air Knight here.