Attack Ring - Ten Spike is a Attack Ring released as part of the Magnacore System. It debuted with the release of Draciel V.
Ten Spike has a dark, metallic green color scheme. It has ten flat-shaped protrusions, five of which are smaller than the others, forming a star overall. In fact, each set of two small parts surrounding one longer and bigger protrusion is meant to resemble a turtle head and its paws. This means that the smaller pieces are mostly cut inwards to form the toes, whereas the bigger wings are rounded outwards. However, this odd combination of uneven, flat and still overall square-like protrusions, when hit, produces a lot of Recoil which knocks the Beyblade using it off balance. This Attack Ring would have at least benefited from having protrusions of even dimensions to form as much of a circle as possible. Ten Spike is the Draciel Attack Ring with the highest number of protrusions, and is therefore arguably the worst of them, suffering even more from the same flaws due to that. As such, following the trend of other Draciel Attack Rings, it has no use in any competitive combo.
Takara Tomy[]
Takara Tomy[]