"Pop Production" (モテプロデュース, Mote Purodeyūsu; Producing Popularity) is the twenty-first episode of the Beyblade X anime. It first aired on March 1st, 2024 in Japan and later aired on August 19th, 2024 in the United Kingdom.
Episode Description
Multi helps Jaxon and Robin up their fashion game.
Major Events
- Yuni Naniwa and her Beyblade, Sting Unicorn, make their debuts.
- After Jaxon and Robin barge into her stream with their pajamas on, Multi becomes annoyed and takes them to Dress to Blade to find them better outfits.
- At Dress to Blade, Team Persona encounter a disguised influencer known as Yuni Naniwa, who attempts to give Jaxon and Robin tips on clothing that would make them more "pop".
- It is revealed that Yuni is a new member of Team Yggdrasil, which is the reason why she wore a disguise.
- On the way home, Meiko calls Multi to inform the team that their next Pro battle will be against Team Yggdrasil.
- Jaxon Cross
- Robin Kazami
- Multi Nana-iro
- Yuni Naniwa (debut)
- Meiko Myoden
- Taisho Sushiya
- Blaze Fujiwara (visioned)
- Sword Dran 3-60F (Jaxon's)
- Chain Incendio 5-60HT (Robin's)
- Sting Unicorn 5-60GP (Yuni's; debut)
- Arrow Wizard 4-80B (Multi's)
- Helm Knight 3-80N (Multi's; animation error)
Featured Battles
Robin Kazami vs. Yuni Naniwa | ||
Team 1 | Team 2 | |
Bladers Robin Kazami |
VS | Bladers Yuni Naniwa |
Beyblade(s) Chain Incendio 5-60HT |
Beyblade(s) Sting Unicorn 5-60GP | |
Lose | Win | |
Special Moves Used
Full Episode