Accel (アクセル, Akuseru), abbreviated as A (エー, Ē), is a Bit released by Takara Tomy as part of the Unique Line system. It debuted in Japan with the release of the UX-01 Dran Buster 1-60A Starter on March 30th, 2024.
Accel or A is an Attack Type Bit that features a flat tip with a shallow circular indentation in the center, akin to its predecessor, Flat. The flat tip creates aggressive movement, which makes it easier to contact the Xtreme Line (X-Celerator Rail) to perform the Xtreme Dash gimmick. While the Rush Bit focused on increasing the frequency of Xtreme Dashes by having fewer gears compared to Flat, Accel instead has more gears, 16 instead of the standard 12, which increases the speed of an Accel combination's Xtreme Dash at the cost of Stamina.
Takara Tomy
- UX-01 Dran Buster 1-60A
- UX-04 Battle Entry Set U - Dran Buster 1-60A (Special Ver.)
- UX-00 Aero Pegasus 3-70A (Rare Bey Get Battle)
- UX-00 Dran Buster 1-60A (Red Ver.)
Takara Tomy