Hexa (ヘキサ, Hekisa), abbreviated as H (エイチ, Eichi), is a Bit released by Takara Tomy as part of the Unique Line system. It debuted in Japan with the release of the UX-02 Starter, Hells Hammer 3-70H, on March 30th, 2024.
The six-sided shape of the tip reduces tilting and maintains a stable performance.
— Official Description
Hexa or H is a Balance Type Bit that features a hexagonal tip that has protrusions meeting at a sharp point. The design of Hexa is meant to upright itself to maintain a stable spin. The Hexa Bit is meant to work in tandem with the Hells Hammer Blade to make repeated Force Smash attacks.
Like the Accel (A) and Glide (G) Bits, Hexa has 16 gears instead of the standard 12, which increases the speed of an Xtreme Dash at the cost of Stamina.
Takara Tomy
- BX-35 Random Booster Vol. 4 - 05: Phoenix Wing 5-80H
- UX-02 Hells Hammer 3-70H
Takara Tomy