Magma (マグマ, Maguma) is a Blade that is a part of the Burst System as well as the QuadDrive System. It debuted in western countries with the release of the Cosmic Vector Battle Set.
Hasbro's Magma is a round right-spin Attack Type QD Blade with three downward sloping blades acting as the main contact points. Like other QD Blades, Magma can switch between Apex and Core Modes by swapping the position of the Gravity Ring from the top of the Blade (Apex) to below it (Core).
While its shape is best suited for Attack Combinations, Magma is ineffective for competitive viability. Furthermore, the light weight of QD Blades, as well as the weak Burst Resistance of Drive Chips, means QuadDrive System Layers are too prone to Bursts to be competitive. Thus Magma is outclassed by other Layers that offer better shapes and higher Burst Resistance.
- F3317 Collision Nebula Battle Set - Magma Linwyrm L7 Diagron-Q Smart-Q+Wave-4
- F3334 Cosmic Vector Battle Set - Magma Ifritor I7 Ciquex-Q Jaggy-Q+Wave-4
- F3963 Magma Roktavor R7 and Gilded Balderov B7 Dual Pack - Magma Roktavor R7 Fyquor-Q Xtend+-Q+Venture-3