Devolos, also known as Diabolos (ディアボロス, Diaborosu) in Japan, is a character and a former antagonist in the anime/manga Beyblade Burst Rise.
Venom/Erase Devolos
Devolos' appearance is based on a bipedal demonic creature with four-digit claws on the arms and legs, dark-red skin, four dark-red spikes on his back that generates four flaming wings, and a flame on the tip of his tail. His color scheme is luminescent dark-red with shades of orange, which makes his skin resemble magma, and seal-brown armor on his forearms, head, neck, outer chest region, thigh and the the outer leg areas. He also has four green eyes, a warm-orange curving horn on each side of his head, warm-orange spikes on his neck armor and arms, blue orbs on his chest armor and one on his crown, warm-orange claws, and a large spike on each shoulder. The spikes on his neck, shoulders and arms also sports magma veins.
Master Devolos
Devolos' dark-red skin is now crimson, the magma translucent skin is now yellow, he now has six green eyes, a golden metallic mandible and side horns, a golden crest on the forehead with a green gem in the center, dark-red armor, three blue orbs on each side of the chest armor instead of two, and gold hip armor.
He also now has indigo parts on his claws, underneath his jaw and four back spikes; the four back spikes are yellow-golden colored and can fold out, his flame wings are now blue and red, his knee armor is more pointed, the digits have dark-red armor rings, the magma veins throughout his body are less prominent, three frills with small magma veins adorn each side of his head; the neck spikes have lessened yet thickened, and his tail no longer has a flaming tip.
Acting as the polar opposite of Dragon encouraging Dante Koryu to become stronger, Devolos demands Delta to fight, even after they've won, to become stronger and devour the opposing Beyblade's "Light". After his death and rebirth into Master Devolos, his personality seems to have changed, appearing more benevolent and far less obsessed with consuming Bey lights.
As Vemon/Erase Devolos, he appeared to Delta in a red and black background; resembling a nightmare and the underworld. When Delta talks to Devolos, he demands for more power and to devour the opponents' light.
As Master Devolos, the dreamscape he appears to Delta in is now red & yellow with white clouds, resembling Heaven; because of his and Delta's relationship becoming more positive and bright. When Devolos was reborn, he and Delta talked for a brief minute. After talking to Delta, he agrees with Delta's new strategy, instead of demanding power. His relationship with Delta has became more like that of Dante and Dragon.
Beyblade Burst Rise
He first appears in episode 8, during the match between Dante and Delta.
Delta Zakuro
Devolos' relationship with Delta is similar to a shoulder devil's, proposing to Delta to fight and become stronger while feeding on his desire. After being reborn as Master Devolos, their relationship has become more like that of Dante and Dragon, in a more positive manner.
For a full gallery of images of Devolos, see Devolos/Gallery.