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Beyblade Wiki

This is a list of all parts included within the Burst System and its sub-system, the Dual Layer System. Parts listed on the page are from both Takara Tomy and Hasbro.

Single Layers

Abbr. Image Takara Tomy Version Image Hasbro Version
α LayerAmaterios Amaterios N/A N/A
C LayerChaos Chaos LayerCaynox Caynox
D LayerDeathscyther Deathscyther LayerDoomscizor Doomscizor
E LayerEvileye Evil-eye LayerEvipero Evipero
H LayerHorusood Horusood LayerHorusoodHasbro Horusood
K LayerKerbeus Kerbeus LayerKerbeusHasbro Kerbeus
M LayerMinoboros Minoboros LayerMinoborosHasbro Minoboros
N LayerNeptune Neptune LayerNepstrius Nepstrius
O LayerOdin Odin LayerOdax Odax
R LayerRagnaruk Ragnaruk LayerRoktavor Roktavor
S LayerSpriggan Spriggan LayerSpryzen Spryzen
T LayerTrident Trident LayerTreptune Treptune
U LayerUnicorn Unicorn LayerUnicrest Unicrest
V LayerValkyrie Valkyrie LayerValtryek Valtryek
W LayerWyvern Wyvern LayerWyvron Wyvron
X LayerXcalibur Xcalibur LayerXcalius Xcalius
Y LayerYggdrasil Yggdrasil LayerYegdrion Yegdrion

Dual Layers

Abbr. Image Takara Tomy Version Image Hasbro Version
A2 LayerAcidAnubis Acid Anubis LayerAtlasAnubionA2 Atlas Anubion A2
ß LayerBaldur Baldur N/A N/A
B2 LayerBeastBehemoth Beast Behemoth LayerBetromothB2 Betromoth B2
D2 LayerDarkDeathscyther Dark Deathscyther LayerDoomscizorD2 Doomscizor D2
D2 N/A N/A LayerDiomedesD2 Diomedes D2
E2 LayerExceedEvileye Exceed Evil-eye LayerEviperoE2 Evipero E2
F2 LayerFangFenrir Fang Fenrir LayerFengriffF2 Fengriff F2
G2 LayerGigantGaia Gigant Gaia LayerGaianonG2 Gaianon G2
H2 LayerHolyHorusood Holy Horusood LayerHorusoodH2 Horusood H2
H2 N/A N/A LayerHyrusH2 Hyrus H2
I2 LayerInfernoIfrit Inferno Ifrit LayerIfritorI2 Ifritor I2
I2 N/A N/A LayerIstrosI2 Istros I2
J2 LayerJailJormungand Jail Jormungand LayerJormuntorJ2 Jormuntor J2
K2 LayerKaiserKerbeus Kaiser Kerbeus LayerKerbeusK2 Kerbeus K2
L2 LayerLostLonginus Lost Longinus LayerLuinorL2 Luinor L2
M2 LayerMadMinoboros Mad Minoboros LayerMinoborosM2 Minoboros M2
N2 LayerNovaNeptune Nova Neptune LayerNepstriusN2 Nepstrius N2
O2 LayerObeliskOdin Obelisk Odin LayerOdaxO2 Odax O2
O2 N/A N/A LayerOrpheusO2 Orpheus O2
P2 LayerPsychicPhantom Psychic Phantom LayerPhantazusP2 Phantazus P2
Q2 LayerQuadQuetzalcoatl Quad Quetzalcoatl LayerQuetzikoQ2 Quetziko Q2
R2 LayerRisingRagnaruk Rising Ragnaruk LayerRoktavorR2 Roktavor R2
S2 LayerStormSpriggan Storm Spriggan LayerSpryzenS2 Spryzen S2
S2 N/A N/A LayerSurtrS2 Surtr S2
T2 N/A N/A LayerTyrosT2 Tyros T2
U2 LayerUnlockUnicorn Unlock Unicorn LayerUnicrestU2 Unicrest U2
V2 LayerVictoryValkyrie Victory Valkyrie LayerValtryekV2 Valtryek V2
W2 LayerWildWyvern Wild Wyvern LayerWyvronW2 Wyvron W2
X2 LayerXenoXcalibur Xeno Xcalibur LayerXcaliusX2 Xcalius X2
Y2 LayerYaegerYggdrasil Yaeger Yggdrasil LayerYegdrionY2 Yegdrion Y2
Z2 LayerZillionZeus Zillion Zeus LayerZeutronZ2 Zeutron Z2

Original Series Remakes

Abbr. Image Takara Tomy Version Image Hasbro Version
DC LayerDracielF Draciel Fortress LayerDracielFHasbro Draciel F
DC LayerDracielS Draciel Shield LayerDracielSHasbro Draciel Shield
DC LayerDracielV2 Draciel V2 N/A N/A
DC LayerDracielV Draciel Viper N/A N/A
DG LayerDragoonF Dragoon Fantom LayerDragoonFHasbro Dragoon Fighter
DG LayerDragoonS Dragoon Storm LayerDragoonSHasbro Dragoon Storm
DG LayerDragoonV2 Dragoon V2 N/A N/A
DG LayerDragoonV Dragoon Victory N/A N/A
DZ LayerDranzerF Dranzer Flame LayerDranzerFHasbro Dranzer Flame
DZ LayerDranzerS Dranzer Spiral LayerDranzerSHasbro Dranzer Spiral
DZ LayerDranzerV2 Dranzer V2 N/A N/A
DZ LayerDranzerV Dranzer Volcano N/A N/A
DR LayerDrigerS Driger Slash LayerDrigerSHasbro Driger Slash
DR LayerDrigerFang Driger Fang LayerDrigerF Driger F
DR LayerDrigerV2 Driger V2 N/A N/A
DR LayerDrigerV Driger Vulcan N/A N/A
GD LayerGaiaDragoon Gaia Dragoon N/A N/A
GD LayerGaiaDragoonV Gaia Dragoon Vurst N/A N/A
WB LayerWolborg Wolborg LayerWolborgHasbro Wolborg

Metal Series Remakes

Abbr. Image Name
BP LayerBurnPhoenix Burn Phoenix
EA LayerEarthAquila Earth Aquila
FS LayerFlameSagittario Flame Sagittario
GP LayerGalaxyPegasis Galaxy Pegasis
GP LayerGravityPerseus Gravity Perseus
HK LayerHellKerbecs Hell Kerbecs
LL LayerLightningL-Drago Lightning L-Drago
ML LayerMeteoL-Drago Meteo L-Drago
RU LayerRayUnicorno Ray Unicorno
RL LayerRockLeone Rock Leone
SP LayerStormPegasis Storm Pegasis

Forge Discs

Abbr. Image Name Hasbro Part Code
α DiskAero Aero N/A
A DiskArmed Armed D10
B DiskBoost Boost D01
ß DiskBumper Bumper N/A
C DiskCentral Central D08
D DiskDown Down D15
F DiskForce Force D11
G DiskGravity Gravity D03
H DiskHeavy Heavy D07
I DiskInfinity Infinity D20
J DiskJerk Jerk D24
K DiskKnuckle Knuckle D02
L DiskLimited Limited D04
M DiskMagnum Magnum D19
N DiskNine Nine D23
O DiskOval Oval D13
P DiskPolish Polish D22
Q DiskQuarter Quarter D21
R DiskRing Ring D09
S DiskSpread Spread D06
T DiskTriple Triple D16
U DiskUpper Upper D14
V DiskVertical Vertical D12
W DiskWing Wing D05
Y DiskYell Yell D25

Performance Tips

Abbr. Image Name Hasbro Part Code
A DriverAccel Accel TA01
α DriverAssault Assault N/A
ß DriverBite Bite N/A
B DriverBlow Blow TA03
C DriverClaw Claw TS02
Cy DriverCycle Cycle TS08
D DriverDefense Defense TD01
E DriverEdge Edge TS03
F DriverFusion Fusion TB01
G DriverGyro Gyro TS04
H DriverHold Hold TA09
I DriverImpact Impact TA08
J DriverJaggy Jaggy TA07
L DriverLiner Liner TB05
M DriverMassive Massive TD02
N DriverNeedle Needle TD03
O DriverOrbit Orbit TD05
P DriverPress Press TD04
Q DriverQuake Quake TA04
R DriverRevolve Revolve TS05
Sp DriverSpiral Spiral TA10
S DriverSurvive Survive TS01
T DriverTrans Trans TB04
U DriverUnite Unite TB03
V DriverVariable Variable TA06
W DriverWeight Weight TS09
X DriverXtreme Xtreme TA05
Y DriverYielding Yielding N/A
Z DriverZephyr Zephyr TB02