Quacchu-Q is a Forge Disc released by Hasbro as part of the Burst System as well as the QuadDrive System. It debuted in western countries with the release of the Katana Muramasa M7 and Vanish Cobra C7 Dual Pack.
Hasbro's Quacchu-Q is a circular QD Disc with four large gaps along the edge. These gaps are intended to increase Outward Weight Distribution (OWD), boosting Stamina while the circular perimeter increases Life-After-Death (LAD). The design has a downward sloping conical shape similar to Tapered-Q and features textures resembling samurai armor. Compared to Tapered-Q, Quacchu-Q is strictly inferior, weighing less and having a higher scrape risk due to its lower hanging conical segments. If Quacchu-Q is used in combinations with the Greatest Armor Gravity Ring, the conical segments will push against the Gravity Ring to the point of heavy plastic stress, greatly increasing Burst Resistance.
The light weight of Quacchu-Q makes it a poor choice in the format. It is outclassed by heavier DB Discs such as Over.
As such, Quacchu-Q is not recommended for the Burst Format.
Quacchu-Q is outclassed by other QD Discs such as Tapered-Q.
As such, Quacchu-Q is not recommended for the Burst GT Format.
QD Discs like Quacchu-Q can be used with QuadDrive and QuadStrike Layers for this format, but Quacchu-Q is outclassed by other heavier QD Discs such as Tapered-Q.
As such, Quacchu-Q is not recommended for the Burst Limited Format.Quacchu-Q is not legal in the Burst Classic Format.
- F3317 Collision Nebula Battle Set - Vanish Balkesh B7 Quacchu-Q Assault-Q+Flugel-10'
- F4488 Katana Muramasa M7 and Vanish Cobra C7 Dual Pack - Katana Muramasa M7 Quacchu-Q Mobius-Q+Rise-10'
- F4490 Roar Balkesh B7 and Stone Balderov B7 Dual Pack - Stone Balderov B7 Quacchu-Q Assault-Q+Rise-3
- F6812 Fierce Bazilisk B8 and Hydra Kerbeus K8 Dual Pack - Fierce Bazilisk B8 Quacchu-Q Jolt-Q+Flap-4
- F7778 Twister Pandora Evasive P8 Quacchu-Q Edge-Q+Rumble-4
- F8579 Energy Uprising 4-Pack - Twister Pandora Evasive P8 Quacchu-Q Edge-Q+Rumble-4