Hades or Hell (ヘル, Heru) is a Fusion Wheel released by Takara Tomy. It debuted in Japan with the release of the BB-99 Maximum Series Starter Hell Kerbecs BD145DS on December 28, 2010.
Hades is split into three wings resembling dog heads, and is 50 millimeters wide. Each of these are separated by a large gap meant to interact with Boost Disk 145 (BD145) in "Boost Mode", which fills in these gaps. This increases Hades' utility in Stamina Type combinations. Without Boost Disk 145, the wings provide excellent Smash Attack, and thus Hades can find use in Attack Type combinations.
At the time of its release as part of the Maximum Series, Hades was the widest Fusion Wheel available (hence the "maximum width"), with the average Fusion Wheel diameter at the time being around ~45 millimeters. With the release of the 4D System however, 4D Metal Wheels such as Cosmic have equalled or surpassed Hades in width.
Takara Tomy
- BB-99 Hell Kerbecs BD145DS
- BB-109 Random Booster Vol. 7 Beat Lynx - Hell Herculeo 100XF
- BB-109 Random Booster Vol. 7 Beat Lynx - Hell Horuseus 85RS
- BB-116 Random Booster Vol. 8 Jade Jupiter - Hell Crown 130FB
- BB-123 Random Booster Vol. 9 Fusion Hades - Hell Beelzeb 125XF
- Hell Kerbecs BD145DS (Inferno Ver.) (CoroCoro Exclusive)
- Hell Kerbecs BD145DS (Inferno Ver.) (Mani Limited Exclusive)
- Hell Kerbecs BD145EWD (Blue Inferno Ver.) (Maximum Bakuten Campaign)
- BB-99 Hades Kerbecs BD145DS
- BB-99 Hades Kerbecs BD145DS (Beyblade Legends)
- BB-99 Team Star Breaker Set - Hades Kerbecs BD145DS
- B-128 Mystic Zone 2-Pack - Hades Gil 100R2F