Sol (ソル, Soru) is a Fusion Wheel released by Takara Tomy. It debuted in Japan with the release of Sol Blaze V145AS in August 2010.
Sol is painted a metallic red and is separated into four sections, each carrying three leaf-like spikes; each second spike features a yellow highlight for a grand total of twelve spikes. The spikes also have gaps on them from a front-side view. Sol has similarities with Dark due to the design as well as featuring twelve spikes in total. However, just like Dark, Sol is hollow and features no Attack or Stamina potential whatsoever. However, Sol experiences less recoil than Dark due to the spikes being closely packed together which gives it some defence potential.
Takara Tomy
- Sol Blaze V145AS
- Sol Blaze V145AS (Eclipse Ver.)
- Sol Blaze V145AS (Gold Ver.)
- Sol Pegasis V145R²F (Gold Ver.) (CoroCoro Exclusive)