The Hyper-Strike Battle Set is a Beyblade starter set released by Hasbro in December 2012. It contains the Hyperblades Cosmic Pegasus F:D and L-Drago Destructor F:S, a part of the Spark FX series.
A Walmart exclusive version was also released, which came with two bonus Spark FX Beys: Diablo Nemesis X:D and Omega Dragonis 85XF.
- Hyper-Strike Beystadium
- Cosmic Pegasus F:D (recolor)
- L-Drago Destructor F:S (recolor)
- One Right-Spin Ripcord Launcher and Ripcord
- One Left-Spin Ripcord Launcher and Ripcord
- Two Assembly Tools
- Two Cards (Four in Walmart release)
- Diablo Nemesis X:D (recolor, Walmart only)
- Omega Dragonis 85XF (recolor, Walmart only)