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Beyblade Wiki
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Istros I2 Upper Survive is a Stamina Type Beyblade released by Hasbro as part of the Burst System as well as the Dual Layer System. It was released in western countries as a part of the Istros I2 and Giga Gaianon G2 Dual Pack for USD$14.99 in the United States and AUD$27.99 in Australia.

Energy Layer - Istros I2[]

Main article: Energy Layer - Istros I2

Hasbro's Istros I2 is a Stamina Type Layer with a round symmetrical shape. The design of the Layer features a head and two wings, representing Istros, a rustic river god from Greek mythology.

Forge Disc - Upper[]

Main article: Forge Disc - Upper

Upper features two sloped metal wings that, in theory, provide Upper Force in Right-Spin and Down Force in Left-Spin. However, in practice, the low angle and short width of the wings makes any Upper or Down Force effect negligible. Furthermore, Upper is light in weight, lower than the more popular choices for Stamina; 4 and 7, making its Knock-Out Resistance sub-par compared to the aforementioned Discs.

Performance Tip - Survive[]

Main article: Performance Tip - Survive

Survive is a Performace Tip with a low-angled cone shape protruding from a cylinder. As a result, while it is overpowered by some Heavy Defense Combinations, it has still shown to be useful in Stamina-based Burst Combinations.

However, it can also be used as a Defense Performance Tip in absence of better ones, and while it is outclassed, its shape helps it rebound from attacks and prevent Knock-Outs. While good ball-shaped or rubber sharp Performance Tips lack in Beyblade Burst, Survive has enough Stability to take hits without losing all balance and Precessing too early like sharper tips.




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