Jinemon Daizora, known as Jinemon Daikokuten (大黒天甚右衛門, Daikokuten Jinuemon) in Japan, is a character appearing in the anime/manga series, Beyblade Burst QuadDrive. He is the grandfather of Bel Daizora.
Jinemon is the grandfather of the Dark Prince, Bel Daizora. He is also a joyful grandfather who always laughs whenever Bel and his friends made something hilarious. He is also a kind person who allowed Ranzo Kiyama to make his new bey in the workshop of Phantom's Gate after being destroyed by Bel and bought plane tickets for himself, Bel, Ranzo, and Hanna to visit Phelix and battle him. He is a great cook who always cooks food for Bel and his friends. He's something of an optimist, always being certain that things will work themselves out in the end and that Bel will overcome his troubles, one way or another.
Like his grandson, Jinemon also likes to pull off pranks. In Episode 01, he pulled a prank to his grandson by wearing a monster glove. In Episode 07 he pranked Bel, Bashara, and Ranzo by wearing a monster mask, but failed in pranking Bel in Beyblade Burst QuadDrive - Episode 08 due to Bel's disappointment of losing against Bashara's new Bey, Roar Balkesh.
Beyblade Burst QuadDrive
Special Moves
Anime Appearances
Beyblade Burst QuadDrive
- Episode 01 - The Dark Prince! And Destruction Belfyre!
- Episode 02 - Graveyard of Beys! Phantom's Gate!
- Episode 03 - Changing Modes! Highs and Lows!
- Episode 04 - Theater of the Abyss! Bel vs. Valt!
- Episode 05 - To the Skies! World Domination!
- Episode 06 - The Other Valtryek!
- Episode 07 - Flipping the Script! Belfyre vs. Fafnir!
- Episode 08 - Dragon's Howl! Roar Balkesh!
- Episode 09 - Lift Off! The Great Aerial Tour!
- Episode 10 - Novas Collide! Bel vs. Rashad!
- Episode 11 - The Dark Prince Strikes! Bel vs. Free!
- Episode 12 - Dark Prince One Day! Minion the Next!
- Episode 13 - Knight of Dragons! Guilty Lúinor!
- Episode 14 - MVP! Great Aerial Tour's Landing!
- Episode 15 - The Dark Prince Returns! Devastate Belfyre!
- Episode 16 - Ring of Light! Glory Regnar!
- Episode 17 - Reversal! Reversal! Great Counterattack!
- Episode 18 - Disbanded! The Dark Prince Goes Rogue?!
- Episode 19 - Regnar's Wrath! Glory Pendulum!
- Episode 20 - Reckless Panic! Bag of Tricks!
- Episode 21 - Rekindled Flames! Prominence Phoenix!
- Episode 22 - Scarlet Flurry! Prominence Shaker!
- Episode 23 - Aurora Bound! Chasing the Phoenix!
- Episode 24 - Disturbing Disturbance! Phantom's Gate!
- Episode 25 - Ultimate Collision! Devastation and Ring of Light!
- Episode 26 - Prince vs. Prince! Darkness and Light!
Beyblade Burst QuadStrike
- Episode 01 - Thunder and Lightning! Elemental Power!
- Episode 02 - The Rebirth! Divine Belfyre!
- Episode 03 - Rise Up! Gambit Dragon Soars!
- Episode 04 - Depths Below! Abyssal Tournament!
- Episode 05 - Dragon vs. Pandora! Rising Tides!
- Episode 06 - Howls of Terror! Kerbeus Returns!
- Episode 07 - Theater of the Dark Prince! Monstrous Missions!
- Episode 08 - Peerless! Xiphoid Xcalius!
- Episode 09 - Striking Flames! Ferocious Battle!
- Episode 10 - Dark Devotion! Mighty Sword!
- Episode 11 - Surge Ahead! Battle Camp Clash!
- Episode 12 - Hurricane Winds! Twister Pandora!
- Episode 13 - Tag-Team! Break the Limit!
- Episode 14 - Turbo Time! Zeal Achilles!
- Episode 15 - Chivalry Unbound! Whirl Knight!
- Episode 16 - Wild Dash! Battle Marathon!
- Episode 17 - Blazing Battles! Aether Stadium!
- Episode 18 - Darkness Unleashed! Winds of Change!
- Episode 19 - Champion's Challenge! Radiant Finals!
- Episode 20 - Invincible Shadows! Aiger vs. Bel!
- Episode 21 - Dire Destiny! Ruin Pandemonium!
- Episode 22 - Shining Stars! Lodestar Battle Tournament!
- Episode 23 - Vroom-Vroom Revolution! A Hero's Journey!
- Episode 24 - Achilles vs. Pandemonium! Clashes of Light!
- Episode 25 - Resonance vs. Elemental!
- Episode 26 - Elemental Battle! Ultimate Showdown!
Bel Daizora
Jinemon is the grandfather of Bel. He is known for his delicious foods.
Theme Songs
Clash! Dynamite Battle
- In the localized release of the season, Jinemon is one of four side characters to appear in every episode of Beyblade Burst QuadDrive, the others being Valt Aoi, Bashara Suiro, and Hanna Suiro.
- Jinemon's nickname, "Jiji", means "grandfather" in Japanese, given that he is Bel's grandfather and a figure of that towards Ranzo, Bashara, Hanna, and Pri.
- Jinemon's Japanese surname "Daikokuten" is a reference to a Japanese deity of fortune and wealth.