Killerken Balro A230WB is a Defense-Type Beyblade released in the Beyblade Ultimate Synchrom DX Set Defense & Stamina Type on November 17, 2012 in Japan.
Stone Face: Balro[]
This face depicts the skull and horns of a Balrog, a mythical demon of fire and shadow.
Chrome Wheel: Balro[]
The Balro chrome wheel has many jagged edges and curves along the sides which can be compared to the head and jaws of the Balrog from the Lord of The Rings Series.
Chrome Wheel: Killerken[]
Unlike most of the other Chrome Wheels, Killerken possesses a design which is generally well balanced. Indeed, on one side of the Chrome Wheels, a series of curved lines in the shape of tentacles can be seen in the design, and after a short interruption created by a trapezoid protrusion, the same series of tentacles are reproduced, however, mirrored. At the other side of the trapezoid, the orb from the Crystal Wheel can be seen, surrounded by a design which resembles the beak of an octopus. The wider parts of the tentacles accumulate near the edges of Killerken, leaving only deeply engraved lines near its center.
Spin Track: A230[]
The Armor 230 spin track is a different or upgraded version of the original 230 spin track. This spin track is made for extra defense power in a beyblade. This spin track, along with 230 and its variants, are the tallest spin tracks in the Metal Saga.
Performance Tip: WB[]
Wide Ball is pretty much Ball with a larger spherical surface, hence the “wide”. Due to this, it is an improvement over Ball in terms of Defense. This is because of the greater surface area in contact with the Stadium floor at any one time. However, because of this wider contact area, the Bottom also causes offensive movement compared to Ball. This is disadvantageous when facing an Attack Type, because the Defense customization is closer to the Stadium exits, hence increasing the chances of a KO. To prevent this, many launch Wide Ball-based customizations so that the Beyblade stays in the center, while retaining the Defensive qualities of Wide Ball. However, if you use a Metal Face, you can launch at full power. Since it moves around, it is best used as a destabilizer, which is what makes this a good Bey.