Ogre Island, known as the Island of Demons (鬼ヶ島, Onigashima) in Japan, is an island featured in the anime/manga series, Beyblade Burst Surge and Beyblade Burst QuadDrive.
Notable Landmarks[]
- Lui Shirosagi made his Surge debut on this island.
- The Thundering Stadium was introduced here.
- Hyuga Hizashi and Hikaru Hizashi battled Lui here, but lost.
- A storm interrupted the one on one battle between Lui and Hyuga.
- Shu Kurenai made his Surge debut on this island.
- The Comets went through trials to test their strength as bladers.
- Hyuga and Rantaro Kiyama had to burst 500 beys.
- Hikaru, Chuck, Reina, and Guy had to pull a heavy launcher and score a perfect score on the strength meter.
- Lain Valhalla made his debut on this island.
- Hyuga snuck out of the cabin without permission to battle Lui during a storm.
- Furthermore, he climbed a mountain and fell, almost injuring himself had Lui not saved him.
- Lui Shirosagi made his QuadDrive debut on this island.
- The third round of the Great Aerial Tour was held here.
- Lui is seen training here before the Legend Festival.