Phantom's Gate, known as the Gates of Hell in Japan, is a location in Japan featured in the anime/manga series, Beyblade Burst QuadDrive. It is the home of Bel and Jinemon Daizora.
Notable Landmarks[]
- Theater of the Abyss: This is where Bel does his battles
- Bel's room: This is where Bel sleeps
- Dining room: This is where Bel and his guests eat there suppers
- Workshop: This is where Bel, Ranzo, and Valt evolved there Beys.
- The garden: This is where Bel and his guests hang out.
This is where Bel and Jinemon Daizora live.
- Bel Daizora and Bashara and Hanna Suiro made their debuts there.
- Destruction Belfyre, Devastate Belfyre, Divine Belfyre, Ultimate Valtryek, Cyclone Roktavor, and Bel's Full Custom BeyLauncher LR were created here.
- This is where Ranzo's Glide Roktavor Wheel Revolve 1S was destroyed.