Rock Crow 125FS is a Balance Type Beyblade that only appears in the Beyblade: Metal Masters anime.
Face Bolt - Crow[]
- Main article: Face Bolt - Crow
The Face Bolt depicts what looks like a side profile black silhouette of a flying crow/raven and feathers. It has "Raven" written on it.
Energy Ring - Wolf[]
- Main article: Energy Ring - Wolf
The edges of the Wolf Energy Ring consists of four wolf "heads", with one in each quarter of the Energy Ring. This equal weight distribution makes the Beyblade more stable, but Wolf is outclassed by heavier Energy Rings such as Aquario and Kerbecs.
Fusion Wheel - Rock[]
- Main article: Fusion Wheel - Rock
Rock has six large protrusions with small, shallow gaps between each one. It also overhangs the Spin Track much like the original Leone Metal Wheel, although to a smaller extent. Rock is outclassed by later releases, with its weight being unable to compete with most Fusion Wheels, and its rounded shape being too passive to be any real threat in Attack combinations.
Spin Track - 125[]
- Main article: Spin Track - 125
125 is a midway between the 105 and the 145 Spin Tracks. Utilized in mid-height Stamina Type combos, it is more difficult to destablize compared to 145 height Stamina Type combos. It has declined in popularity due to the release of gimmicked Spin Tracks of the same height, such as Tornado 125 (T125) and Defense 125 (D125), which offer more weight and balance capabilities.
Performance Tip - Flat Spike[]
- Main article: Performance Tip - Flat Spike
Flat Spike (FS) or Flat Sharp, features a flat tip with a smaller, sharper spike tip in the center. As a result, when launched at a straight angle, the Beyblade spins on this spike tip, with very little movement. However, when the Beyblade is tilted, either from contact with an opposing Beyblade or from the launch, the Performance Tip moves in an offensive pattern. However, it suffers from the same problems as other Balance Type Performance Tips, in that the two qualities are compromised, resulting in mediocre performance in both fields.
- It is most likely that this bey is named after Corvus (Crow), a small constellation in the southern hemisphere.