Ronnie, known as Rajyu (ラジュー, Rajū) in Japan, is a minor character from the Original Series, consisting of Beyblade: 2000. He is a member of the Charming Princes.
He encountered the Bladebreakers' Tyson Granger in the Asian Tournament saga, he was at first hard to beat, but Tyson defeated him. Ronnie is seen again in the Saga of the Biovolt Bladers, where he supports Tyson as an ally and watches Tyson’s final beybattle with Tala of the Demolition Boys on TV.
Special Moves[]
- Charmer: Ronnie uses a red Beyblade with an exceptionally large Attack Ring. The Attack Ring resembles three elephant heads with tusks and trunks. According to Kenny, it is the maximum size (10cm) and weight that a regulation Beyblade is allowed to be. Ronnie's Beyblade was never released. The Elephant Tusk Was From Vanishing Moot.