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Samurai Ifrit E230GCF is a Fire Element Attack Type Beyblade released by Hasbro as part of the Synchrome System. It was released in western countries in the Beyblade: Shogun Steel Ifrit Salamander Fire Synchrome 2-Pack for USD$15.99 in the United States in May 2013.

Shogun Face Bolt - Ifrit

Main article: Shogun Face Bolt - Ifrit

This Shogun Face Bolt depicts "Ifrit", supernatural creatures from Islamic mythology associated with fire.

As with all Shogun Face Bolts, the Hasbro release of Ifrit is cross-shaped rather than the round diamond shape of its Takara Tomy Stone Face counterpart.

Warrior Wheel - Ifrit

Chromewheel ifraid
Main article: Warrior Wheel - Ifrit

Ifrit is a Warrior Wheel with various curves and edges. Ifrit features a fire details, with flames curving around the top, where the hole of the "crystal" from the Element Wheel fits into. The face of Ifrit is featured on the bottom of the Warrior Wheel, with spiked protrusions. Ifrit is one of the best Warrior Wheels for upper attack.

Element Wheel - Samurai

Crystalwheel samurai
Main article: Element Wheel - Samurai

Samurai is an Element Wheel that features a circular design, with some cuts and gaps throughout. Samurai features various square-like designs throughout the Element Wheel, and has a crystal that fits into a Warrior Wheel. Samurai is promoted by Takara Tomy as a top-tier Attack Type Element Wheel, but is surprisingly balanced. In addition, Samurai has found use in Attack Type combinations that include the Ifrit Warrior Wheel.

Spin Track - Elevator 230

Track e230 img
Main article: Spin Track - Elevator 230

Elevator 230 (E230) is the first variant of 230, with a gimmick similar to that of Boost Disk 145 (BD145). A large disk is around the 230 Spin Track, with four "connectors" along the exterior of the disk. Unlike Boost Disk 145, the disk freely moves along the Spin Track.

Performance Tip - Gear Circle Flat

Bottom gcf img
Main article: Performance Tip - Gear Circle Flat

Gear Circle Flat (GCF) is a variant of Circle Flat, and as the name suggests, resembles Circle Flat with a gear-like design. Gear-like ridges line the outer ring, and also appear inside the protrusion, where the flat tip is. The tip of Gear Circle Flat is also wider than Circle Flat, and is comparable to Extreme Flat (XF).





