Spryzen, known as Spriggan (スプリガン, Supurigan) in Japan, is a character in the anime/manga series Beyblade Burst, and was the main antagonist in Beyblade Burst Evolution.
Storm Spryzen
Spryzen's avatar appears as a hulking orc/oni creature with yellow eyes, red skin with yellow markings, two horns with red tips on his forehead, a bushy blond mane, two tusks on the mandible, orange armor, a pink gem on the tunic, gauntlets with claws, dark-red talons on his hands, white talons on his feet, a long black kilt, a clubbed tail with five spikes on it, and a shield on his left gauntlet.
Spryzen wields a double-sided red axe blade, which is stylized as an "S", and an orange base rod.
Legend Spryzen
Spryzen loses his hulking muscles on his body and morphs into a more slender form with spiky blonde hair. He gains a pair of wings, a larger tail, and is clad in orange-framed black body armor. His upper arms, hands and inner thighs lack armor. The armor set consists of a horn-style crown, spiked pauldrons, a crested tunic, armor kilt, phalange armor, gloved vambraces and shin guards. The tunic crest sports a gold medallion with Spryzen's "S" symbol.
Spryzen's axe is replaced with a gold ax-style halberd with a silver rod and silver medallion with Spryzen's "S" symbol.
Spryzen Requiem
The avatar's appearance is exactly the same, but the black armor is colored white, the orange-framed is now gold, the vambraces are gloveless, and the gold and silver medallions with Spryzen's "S" symbol is now a shade of light sea-green.
Turbo Spryzen
Spryzen regains his hulking appearance, full orange body armor, silver phalange armor with two pink gemstones on each, dirty-blonde hair, and light-blue eyes. His armor set consists of a five-horned crown and visor, huge pauldrons with red gems, a silver/red/yellow tunic and silver torso armor, sleek armor kilt, both the vambraces and shin guards have two sections with pink gemstones, armored fingers, outer feet and toes, and an orange medallion with Spryzen's "S" symbol. The wings are now have dark-red patagia and finger-like structures. And, like Shu, Spryzen also sports a scar over his right eye.
Spryzen's weapon is an ax-style halberd with a crimson-framed metallic-white axe blade with gold-framed dark-red parts placed in an "S"-style manner, a silver rod base, and crimson portions and end tip. The axe blade's base also sports a gold-framed dark-red circle with an orange medallion with Spryzen's "S" symbol and five prongs.
World Spryzen
Spryzen's hulking appearance is turned to a slimmer one, his body armor is now red with orange sections on the thigh armor, torso region and tail underside, crimson skin with blue stripes, and blue eyes. His armor set consists of an armored face with a three-pronged diadem, the right black with an inner yellow mark and the left yellow with an inner black mark, huge segmented pauldrons with black and silver markings, a red tunic torso armor with a yellow and black markings similar to the diadem, armor kilt with silver plates, the vambraces and rerebraces are lessened to leave the inner arms exposed, silver armored fingers, each shin armor sports a blue gem with two silver gems, white outer toes, and a silver medallion with an "X" symbol placed on the chest that is reminiscent to the metal core on the Spriggan Superking Chip. The wings are now armor-based with five segmented sections: an upper and lower dark-red section, a golden mid-section with an orange alula and a blue-raspberry gem, and a silver middle that can open up to extend a black section and magma-style energy.
Spryzen's ax-style halberd now sports a black rod base with a yellow tip at the end, the axe is now symmetrical with a black front, red base with a yellow tip and a silver medallion on the center with a black circle atop it, and a yellow end. The blades sports a reverse color base: the black one has a yellow base, and the yellow a black base.
Astral & Bolt Spryzen
The personality of Spryzen is unknown, but can probably be seen through Shu Kurenai when he is possessed by his Spriggan Requiem: power hungry, aggressive and overall hostile, the polar opposite of his blader’s personality. When Shu was freed from his Bey's control and returned to his normal self, it can be assumed that Spryzen became more benevolent afterwards as well, especially after being upgraded to Turbo Spryzen.
Before Evolution, Spryzen was an unsentient avatar. After Shu's (as Red Eye) battle with Lui, Shu underwent the Requiem Project where he saw his opponents before meeting Spryzen who promised to help him attain power and created the "Ultimate Beyblade": Spryzen Requiem.
Shu Kurenai
Spryzen Requiem was a Beyblade that formerly belonged to Shu Kurenai. It overwhelmed Shu Kurenai with its power and thus brainwashed him into becoming a power-hungry and ruthless blader.
For a full gallery of images of Spryzen, see Spryzen/Gallery.