The Victories Gym is a location in Japan featured in the anime/manga series, Beyblade Burst Rise. It is the training location for the Victories and the home of Dante and Tango Koryu.
Notable Landmarks[]
- This is where Command Dragon Ignition' was created.
- The Glyph and Rock Layer Bases were created here.
- This is where Delta Zakuro challenged Dante Koryu with both Venom Devolos Vanguard Bullet and Erase Devolos Vanguard Bullet.
- This is where Arman unlocked Hyper-Flux.
- Arman helped Dante practice right before the Legend Festival here.
- Valt Aoi, Aiger Akabane, and Dante Koryu had a battle royale at the end of Beyblade Burst Rise - Episode 26.