Beyblade Wiki
This article is about the WBO ban list. For the wbba. ban list, see Hall of Fame.

The World Beyblade Organization (WBO) has historically banned parts from their ranked tournaments during the Burst Series to promote a healthier metagame. The WBO's Burst format became a ranked format on February 3rd, 2016.[1]

There have been no banned parts in the WBO's Burst format since January 13th, 2019, when the Spryzen Requiem S3 Layer was removed from the ban list.


Image Part Date of ban Date of unban Duration of ban Notes
LayerOdin Odin February 3rd, 2016[1] January 1st, 2017[2] 11 months Banned due to high win rate and lack of reliable counters.[1]
LayerDeathscyther Deathscyther May 15th, 2017[3] September 17th, 2017[4] 4 months Banned due to overall power and unhealthy influence on part diversity.[3]
LayerDarkDeathscyther Dark Deathscyther May 15th, 2017[3] September 17th, 2017[4] 4 months Banned due to overall power and unhealthy influence on part diversity.[3]
LayerMaximumGaruda Maximum Garuda October 23rd, 2017[5] February 7th, 2018[6] 3 months Banned due to dominating the metagame.[5]
Outer (Rare Bey Get Battle) Outer October 23rd, 2017[5] December 8th, 2018[7] 13 months Banned due to dominating the metagame and also being difficult to obtain.[5]
LayerSprigganRequiem Spriggan Requiem May 7th, 2018[8] August 2nd, 2018[9] 3 months Banned due to overall power and dominating the metagame.[8]
LayerMaximumGaruda Maximum Garuda May 7th, 2018[8] August 2nd, 2018[9] 3 months Banned again due to banning Spriggan Requiem, which was Maximum Garuda's main counter.[8]
LayerMaximusGarudaG3 Maximus Garuda G3 May 7th, 2018[8] January 13th, 2019[10] 8 months Banned due to overall power and high Burst Resistance.[8]
Level Chip Level Chip May 7th, 2018[8] June 4th, 2018[11] 1 month Banned due to being difficult to obtain.[8]
LayerSpryzenRequiemS3 Spryzen Requiem S3 June 22nd, 2018[12] January 13th, 2019[10] 7 months Banned due to overall power and high Burst Resistance.[12]

Ranked Clauses

The ban status of the following parts can be changed by individual ranked tournament Organizers using optional "Ranked Clauses".

Image Part Date of introduction Default status Ranked Clause Notes
DriverBearingDrift Bearing Drift June 19th, 2023[13] Legal Banned Part of Ranked Clause #1. Introduced due to its high Stamina performance.
DriverMetalBearingDrift Metal Bearing Drift June 19th, 2023[13] Legal Banned Part of Ranked Clause #1. Introduced due to its high Stamina performance.
DriverDrift Drift June 19th, 2023[13] Legal Banned Part of Ranked Clause #2. Introduced due to its high Stamina performance.
DriverMetalDrift Metal Drift June 19th, 2023[13] Legal Banned Part of Ranked Clause #2. Introduced due to its high Stamina performance.


Ranked Clauses


  • The last part to be banned from the WBO's Burst Format was Spryzen Requiem S3, on June 22nd, 2018.
    • The last parts to be unbanned from the WBO's Burst Format were Maximus Garuda G3 and Spryzen Requiem S3, on January 13th, 2019.
  • Drivers are the only parts category that has remained off the banlist; there have been no Driver bans in the WBO's Burst Format.
    • However, Ranked Clauses were introduced on June 19th, 2023, allowing 4 Drivers to be banned by tournament Organizers. Ironically, Drivers are the only parts category that has bannable parts.
  • The Maximum Garuda Layer is the only part to be rebanned after being taken off the ban list.

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